State exams (Nt2 Staaatsexamens) are available on two levels.
State Exam I and State Exam II. State Exam I equals language level B1. This level is necessary for following a course at MBO level, like most courses at the ROC.
State Exam II equals level B2. This level is at least required for following a course at a higher professional education or university.
You can practice all parts of the state exam B1. You can also first view a state exam example. The following components are included for Nt2 State Exam Practice B2 example:
a state exam example
Nt2 exam reading practice online
Nt2 listening exercises B2
staatsexam Nt2 speak
fluency in Dutch Nt2
practice knm exam
Choose below for the Staatsexamen Nt2 B1 exercises or the Staatsexamens Nt2 B2 exercises:
Good luck and enjoy studying! / Succes en veel plezier met leren!